When planning an addition to your home, air conditioning installation is one area to consider. There are many factors AC repair and AC installation experts take into account when adding on to an existing structure. In most cases, the added space will be too much for the current system to handle. Calling in a certified AC installation specialist is a must to avoid costly AC repair bills in the future. Here are some options to consider:
Air Conditioning Service Expert Evaluation
It is important not to cut corners when making the decision about how to heat and cool your new man cave or she shed. AC installation experts can evaluate the capacity of the current equipment to heat and cool the additional space. It is very important to point out that just because it can handle it does not mean it is a good idea. AC service professionals will agree operating at or near capacity will result in more frequent AC repair and AC Service calls. This is a “pay me now or pay me later” situation which in the long term is much more expensive.
Air Conditioning Replacement
Depending on the age and condition of the current equipment, AC installation professionals may advise you to upgrade your existing equipment to a new, larger and more efficient system to cover the additional space. AC replacement equipment with updated and more efficient systems can not only save you AC repair bills and AC service calls, but also reduces energy consumption and helps lower electric bills even though you have an added space.
Additional AC Installation
In some instances, it may be advantageous to use a room, window or compact AC installation to heat or cool the new space. In this case, a secondary unit is installed by a certified AC installation specialist to relieve pressure on the existing equipment. This type of AC service may be restricted by local deed restrictions or building codes so always consult a licensed AC installation company.
If you are ready to add on to your home, give BlueSky a call. Our air conditioning installation professional are ready to advise you on the best most efficient method of heating and cooling the new space to avoid expensive AC repair, AC service or AC replacement in the future.