Installing the right air filter is something that HVAC dealers cannot stress enough. A good number of heating and air conditioner repair service calls can be avoided by properly maintaining your HVAC unit. Probably the easiest heating and air conditioning service you can perform yourself is changing the HVAC filter. These filters are specially designed to capture dirt, dust, dander, mold, pollen and other airborne particles. Failure to use a filter can result in an accumulation of these particles in your HVAC unit. This is not only unhealthy, but can result in costly repairs, and in worst cases, AC replacement. Here are some tips to consider when replacing your HVAC filter:
- Use the right size HVAC filter
Using the incorrect size HVAC filter can wreak havoc on your system, possibly resulting in costly air conditioner repair services. We show our customers how to identify the right size air filter when we perform HVAC installation. We also check the filter size during AC service calls. When in doubt, give us a call.
- Choose a filter that has a good minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV).
HVAC filters with favorable MERV ratings improves efficiency, thus helping keep the AC repair technician away. MERV ratings between 9 and 12 are ideal for residential units, while 13 and higher are designed for commercial air conditioning systems.
- Replace the filter on a regular basis
If you want to avoid costly heating and air conditioning repair, then consider replacing your HVAC filter on a regular basis. This differs based on your use and unit. The filter should be replaced every 30-90 days in most homes. We advise you on how often to change your filter when we perform any HVAC installation and can also do so during your regular AC service call.
Spring is an excellent time to call Bluesky to perform routine AC service, which includes checking and/or changing your HVAC filter. Call us today – 352-362-8535.